Hare Krishna

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

A glorious, inspirational, and potentially globe-shifting occasion is coming in just a few days! We hope you have already started planning your participation and the ISKCON Kirtan Ministry is here to support you.

The holy names of Krishna are the banner under which we are all united and Srila Prabhupada is undoubtedly their foremost ambassador. Here is a golden opportunity to glorify them both – by celebrating the 25th World Holy Name Festival in the 125th Birth Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada.

This year we’re offering a very special menu with activities both for deepening our relationship with the holy names and bringing them to others.

As a special offering to our Founder-acarya, Srila Prabhupada, the World Holy Name Festival will be celebrated for 2 WHOLE WEEKS this year, from September 10 – 23.

For the first week, between 10 to 16 September we encourage centers and individuals to organize local activities. We hope you have planned some activities already.

Then in the second week, from 17 to 23 September, we invite everyone to participate and relish the programs in the online World Holy Name Festival.

For the online program we have a very special schedule this year. Besides our well-known and loved Japa Retreats and Kirtan broadcasts, we are commemorating our Founder acarya in “Srila Prabhupada on Kirtan.”

We are also introducing a brand new program entitled “Learn and Evolve”. This program will be giving participants an opportunity to learn how to play Mrdanga and Harmonium, awaken their singing talent, increase their Sanskrit knowledge, learn how to implement Srila Prabhupada’s Kirtan Standards in their daily lives, dive into understanding Vaisnava Bhajans and increase their understanding of different religions in the Interfaith presentation.

We have a number of attractive posters, banners and videos for you. To download and share any of those amongst your friends, associates and communities, come to

  • All posters/banners/hoardings in various Indian languages can be downloaded from
  • For any query please mail us at:
    Whnfestival@gmail.com or contact your local coordinator. The list is available at:
  • _ For more details, please log on to:_

In addition to encouraging devotees to go out to perform Harinam sankirtan in public places, we’re building on the success of the previous year’s FORTUNATE PEOPLE campaign which witnessed a miracle of 150,000+ videos offered to Srila Prabhupada capturing over 200,000 new people chanting the holy name.

Our new milestone during this most auspicious 125th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s appearance is to offer 1,250,000 maha-mantra Love & Peace chants from people all over the world and we’re ready to support all devotees in making this happen.

Just watch this video to see the mood and practical implementation of this miracle come true.

You’ll see how fun, easy and inspiring it is to get people to chant the maha-mantra for the first time as part of the Fortunate People worldwide Love and Peace campaign.

Participation in the Fortunate People campaign is easy:

STEP 1: click the WhatsApp link bit.ly/chantnow and follow a simple instruction to add your own chant in just 1 minute. Then share the link with others

Become a ‘holy name ambassador of love and peace’:

STEP 1: Download a free ‘Fortunate People app’ (iOS / Android) Or http://fp-ambassadors.com/app

STEP 2: Follow a simple registration.

STEP 3: Go person to person and ask them to chant the Maha-mantra one time for love and peace.

STEP 4: Send videos easily via Fortunate People APP or through the fortunate-people.com website

We’re kicking off the year long 1.25 million chant campaign with this year’s festival and counting on you to join in.

Finally, for complete details on all the World Holy Name Festival programs please visit our website:

Then, please fill out our brief, few minute, survey letting us know about your participation. Here’s the link :

For Temples:
For individuals:

And, to get the latest updates of the WHNF 2021 event, please like, follow & subscribe:

Email group : worldholynamefestival@iskconkirtanministry.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISKCONKirtanMinistry/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iskconkirtanministry/

YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/ISKCONKirtanMinistry

Telegram: https://t.me/iskconkirtanministry

Thank you very much and we look forward to serving you in your service to Sri Harinam.

Your servant,
On behalf of the WHNF Committee 2021
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Swami