H.H. Jayapataka Swami-Official health update

Tuesday 5th Jan 2021

22.00 hrs (Indian Standard Time)

Dear God-family, disciples and well wishers of H.H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja,

Guru Maharaja has been stable today. he is just a little dehydrated so doctors are administering oral and intravenous fluids. His parameters are being monitored continuously by health team doctors who working round the clock and updating Dr Rela .

This morning when updated Dr Mohammed Rela felt Guru Maharaja was doing good and could stay in Mayapur and continue treatment.

GuruMaharaja remarked on first day the he felt well- due to the yajna’s performed in different places. So we should keep the prayers going.

Please join the 24 hour sankirtan yajna organized for Guru Maharaja . The link is given below


On behalf of the Health Team and the JPS Seva Committee,

Your Servant

Mahavaraha Das