This special Deepening Bhakti series features four dynamic teachers leading us through an exploration of Lord Nityananda’s life and teachings. We begin the series with a talk on Saturday, January 30th from 9am – 10:30am, by Amarendra Das. In the following weeks, we’ll hear from HH Radhanath Swami, Adi Gadadhar Das, Acyuta Gopi Devi Dasi and Bada Hari Das. See here for more details.

Class Timings

· January 30th – February 20th

· Saturdays, 9am EST

Join: Zoom or YouTube Live

Admission: Free

Bhakti Center Community Care – Health Initiative

Do you have questions about COVID-19 or its vaccines?

Want an opinion from a research scientist?

Bhakti Center is teaming up with our community member Dr. Amish Patel, a biomedical scientist, to help address the topics around the COVID-19 pandemic and its vaccines. 

He is delighted to share knowledge and insights from his broader research community to help us in understanding the evolving situation of COVID-19 and its vaccines from a scientific perspective. You can send your questions/concerns to Amish Patel.

Dr. Amish Patel has 10+ years of broad scientific exposure and biomedical laboratory research training (undergraduate in Genetics from Rutgers University; Ph.D. in Cancer Biology from UT Southwestern Medical Center; current postdoctoral training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center).

Upcoming Programs

Deepening Bhakti – Bhakti Shastra Series-Module 1

This is an online scriptural study series exploring the Nectar of Instruction and Isopanishad  for 12 – 16 weeks.

When: Saturdays, starting January 30th
Time: 2pm – 5pm EST
Admission: $35 (community discount)

Please visit here for more details and registration.

Bhakti Shastri – Online Course

Bhakti Shastri is the systematic study of essential Bhakti-Yoga texts. Over the course of 14 – 16 months, participants will explore the texts for philosophical understanding, personal application, memorization, and culture of Bhakti-Yoga.

When: Saturdays, starting January 23rd
Time: 2pm – 5pm EST
Admission:  $108 (Community Discount)

Please visit here for more details and registration.

Ongoing Programs

Krishna Stories With Karuna Gauranga Das

Join us in hearing beautiful narrations of Krishna’s Vrindavan pastimes.

When: Mondays & Wednesday, until February 10th
Time: 8pm – 8:30pm EST

Morning Japa CallDaily Chanting Sangha

Join us every morning anytime from 5:30 till 7:15 am EST on Zoom to chant in a devotional sanga.

Meeting ID: 839 0409 3808
Passcode: 638699

Thursday & Sunday Harinam – Soul Spot Sankirtan

Everyone is welcome to join however if you feel unwell, are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, have been in close proximity with COVID-19 patients, or tested positive for COVID-19 recently, please stay home.  


  • Thursdays 8pm – 9pm EST
  • Sunday 2pm – 3pm EST

For starting location and other updates join our WhatsApp Group.