A Tribute to Krsnanandini dd from the ISKCON North American Council

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. With heavy hearts we must accept that Krsnanandini dd left us this morning. She was very dear to Lord Krishna and to Srila Prabhupada, as one of his earlier disciples. She is certainly now in the best of hands.

The North American ISKCON yatra has much to thank her for. Her devotional services have had profoundly positive influences on our devotee communities for many, many years.

Notably, Krsnanandini dd led the Grhasta Vision Team for two decades. The GVT is a North American Vaishnava grass roots organization dedicated to enlivening and strengthening the Grhasta ashram and spiritually- based family life in general.  She coined the phrase Strong Families = Strong ISKCON. Her dedication to this cause profoundly assisted so many devotees for many years. In this context she was counsellor, teacher, mentor, advocate, organizer and visionary.

Krsnanandini dd was also a community organizer and leader. For years she led the Cleveland ISKCON yatra providing community care, cohesion, strength and commitment. She also was dedicated to outreach finding many creative ways to introduce so many to God consciousness with courses, programs, festivals etc. An example is the annual Lord have Mercy Festival.

Krsnanandini dd was an accomplished and knowledgeable speaker and teacher. Her classes and courses were exceptional in their transcendental wisdom and in their confident and exceptional presentation. She was one of few Vaishnavis asked to give morning class from the Vyasanana in Mayapura during the GBC and ILS meeting times.

Krsnanandini dd wrote several books. She co-authored and was the driving force behind Heart and Soul Connection: A Devotional Guide to Marriage, Service and Love. This book has become a standard for Vaishnavas and has been translated into many languages.

Krsnanandini dd was the mother to 10 children and grandmother to many more. She home-schooled her children enabling not only great success is their professional lives but also nurturing a deep sense of devotion in their hearts. She was able to successfully negotiate the interfaith community embracing the Muslim associates and friends of her husband Tariq and truly exemplifying that love of God knows no boundaries. Her wonderful family surrounded her with love, care and devotion during these difficult months of illness and successfully surrounded her with Krsna conscious love for a glorious passing.

The North American ISKCON yatra would like to sincerely and humbly thank Krsnanandini dd for all she did for our devotees and for pushing on Krishna Consciousness so effectively and with such energy and love. She truly exemplified a lifetime of devotion.We bow at her lotus feet.

Praharana dd, Chair of the North American Council

[Poem from Bhaktimarga Swami] 

It’s called, ‘Krsnanandini’. She used to visit Canada quite a bit, and I used to visit Cleveland quite a bit where she was stationed. It’s a loss.

A motherly type of moral strength
A person whose devotion was of great length
It was hard for her to see others suffer
Her words and actions were always a buffer
Always there to encourage the other
She was the soul sister; Tariq the soul brother
Believing in the family as the human backbone
Was a solution to those prone to be alone
Interfaith work was to bring the holy together
It is love that is the thing that acts as a tether
A speaker, a teacher, and everyone’s friend
A devotee whose love for humanity comes to no end
An inspiration and surely Prabhupada’s daughter
He gave such mercy in all he taught her
She will leave sublime memories behind
We’ll oblige to please her by being very kind

Hoping this finds you in the best of health and spirit.

Your servant,
Bhaktimarga Swami