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IC Newsletter Vol.7, Issue 21, 22 May 2022

That is the sublime philosophy of Krishna Consciousness understanding; implicit faith in Krishna and Spiritual Master. This will make your steady progress towards the Ultimate Goal of back to Home, back to Godhead Read the article

FREE Nrsimhadeva Activity Book!

Haribol dear parents and children! The wonderful appearance of Lord Nrisimhadeva is here. Would you like to fill your days remembering this magnificent incarnation of Lord Krishna? He has appeared just to protect a little devotee like you. So, we have prepared a...



Dive into a wealth of resources to help you celebrate Gaura Purnima with Sri Caitanya-caritamrita. Choose from Srila Prabhupada's talks, recordings of our live broadcasts, other audio material, and a collection of reading resources.  Click below and connect with Sri...

IC Newsletter Vol.8, Issue 31, 30. July 2023

IC Newsletter Vol.8, Issue 31, 30. July 2023

If one attains perfection in Deity worship, that is called Arcana Siddhi. Arcana Siddhi means simply by Deity worship one goes back to Godhead, immediately after this life Read the article

Envisioning a Krishna Conscious World

🎉 Announcing an Inspiring Seminar: Envisioning a Krishna Conscious World 🌎 Hare Krishna! Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! We are excited to announce an Inspiring Seminar: Envisioning a Krishna Conscious World Join us for a...

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 8, 25. February 2024

So as far as possible I am taking care of my health, but Krishna's service must be executed, even at the risk of life. A living entity gets millions of opportunities to get a type of body, but hardly he gets opportunity to serve Krishna Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 7, 18. February 2024

I am very much pleased that the Deities are worshiped so nicely and as this continues, the children there will become more and more purified Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 6, 11. February 2024

I am pleased that you are making serious study of our Krishna philosophy, so I want that you go on like this until you will able to defeat any challenge from atheists and rascals, then your preaching work will have real potency Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 5, 4. February 2024

When the work has to be done, do it first, then chant. But you must fulfill at least 16 rounds daily Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 4, 28. January 2024

One does not understand what is Krsna, then what to speak of loving Krsna? If you don't understand somebody, how you will love him? Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 3, 21. January 2024

Dvisatah means there is a class who are always envious of God. As soon as you speak something about God, they become fire: "Oh, what is this God nonsense?" Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.8, Issue 52, 24. December 2023

Lord Jesus explains that he kept his disciples faithful to the Lord in His Holy Name. And the process of Lord Caitanya is the same - to keep one always in contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead by constantly chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra Read the...

IC Newsletter Vol.8, Issue 51, 17. December 2023

Real worker is Krsna. We are simply instrument Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.8, Issue 50, 10. December 2023

Real worker is Krsna. We are simply instrument Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.7, Issue 38, 18 September 2022

I am very glad to learn that Eric has learnt Krishna Consciousness better than his parents. I thank him very much. This is the example of unsophisticated mind. The child is innocent and therefore he has taken the consciousness so quickly Read the article

Divi Meetup 2019, San Francisco

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Envisioning a Krishna Conscious World

🎉 Announcing an Inspiring Seminar: Envisioning a Krishna Conscious World 🌎 Hare Krishna! Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! We are excited to announce an Inspiring Seminar: Envisioning a Krishna Conscious World Join us for a...

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 8, 25. February 2024

So as far as possible I am taking care of my health, but Krishna's service must be executed, even at the risk of life. A living entity gets millions of opportunities to get a type of body, but hardly he gets opportunity to serve Krishna Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 7, 18. February 2024

I am very much pleased that the Deities are worshiped so nicely and as this continues, the children there will become more and more purified Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 6, 11. February 2024

I am pleased that you are making serious study of our Krishna philosophy, so I want that you go on like this until you will able to defeat any challenge from atheists and rascals, then your preaching work will have real potency Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 5, 4. February 2024

When the work has to be done, do it first, then chant. But you must fulfill at least 16 rounds daily Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 4, 28. January 2024

One does not understand what is Krsna, then what to speak of loving Krsna? If you don't understand somebody, how you will love him? Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.7, Issue 38, 18 September 2022

I am very glad to learn that Eric has learnt Krishna Consciousness better than his parents. I thank him very much. This is the example of unsophisticated mind. The child is innocent and therefore he has taken the consciousness so quickly Read the article

Weekly Inspiration – Books are the Basis (12/12/21)

Dear ISKCON Leaders and devotees. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  “There is no need by any of my disciples to read any books besides my books. In fact, such reading may be detrimental to their advancement in Krishna...

Weekly Inspiration – Books are the Basis (05/12/21)

Dear ISKCON Leaders and devotees. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  “Try to always study our books and see our philosophy from different lights of directions.” Letter to Bhagavatananda -- New York, 8 July 1972 Kindly help...

The passing of Sura prabhu (ACBSP)

Today, December 2nd, at about 5:30 am California time, during the auspicious Brahma Muhurta time, His Grace Sura prabhu (disciple of Srila Prabhupada and long-time servant of the BBT) left his body in Los Angeles. He had been hospitalized since November 26th, after...

Teacher Training Course 1 & 2

Teacher Training Course 1 & 2 combined (Online) Paratattva Catuspathi  . What? The Teacher Training Course is open to all devotees interested in Krsna conscious education. The course has been professionally developed to help fulfill ISKCON’s educational...

Classification of Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern

The Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-VE) is an independent group of experts that periodically monitors and evaluates the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and assesses if specific mutations and combinations of mutations alter the behaviour of the...

Product Reviews

Envisioning a Krishna Conscious World

🎉 Announcing an Inspiring Seminar: Envisioning a Krishna Conscious World 🌎 Hare Krishna! Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! We are excited to announce an Inspiring Seminar: Envisioning a Krishna Conscious World Join us for a...

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 8, 25. February 2024

So as far as possible I am taking care of my health, but Krishna's service must be executed, even at the risk of life. A living entity gets millions of opportunities to get a type of body, but hardly he gets opportunity to serve Krishna Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 7, 18. February 2024

I am very much pleased that the Deities are worshiped so nicely and as this continues, the children there will become more and more purified Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 6, 11. February 2024

I am pleased that you are making serious study of our Krishna philosophy, so I want that you go on like this until you will able to defeat any challenge from atheists and rascals, then your preaching work will have real potency Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 5, 4. February 2024

When the work has to be done, do it first, then chant. But you must fulfill at least 16 rounds daily Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 4, 28. January 2024

One does not understand what is Krsna, then what to speak of loving Krsna? If you don't understand somebody, how you will love him? Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.9, Issue 3, 21. January 2024

Dvisatah means there is a class who are always envious of God. As soon as you speak something about God, they become fire: "Oh, what is this God nonsense?" Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.8, Issue 52, 24. December 2023

Lord Jesus explains that he kept his disciples faithful to the Lord in His Holy Name. And the process of Lord Caitanya is the same - to keep one always in contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead by constantly chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra Read the...

IC Newsletter Vol.8, Issue 51, 17. December 2023

Real worker is Krsna. We are simply instrument Read the article

IC Newsletter Vol.8, Issue 50, 10. December 2023

Real worker is Krsna. We are simply instrument Read the article
FREE Nrsimhadeva Activity Book!

FREE Nrsimhadeva Activity Book!

Haribol dear parents and children! The wonderful appearance of Lord Nrisimhadeva is here. Would you like to fill your days remembering this magnificent incarnation of Lord Krishna? He has appeared just to protect a little devotee like you. So, we have prepared a...

Ukraine Crisis Update (09/05/2022) – ISKCON Relief for Ukraine,…

Ukraine Crisis Update (09/05/2022) – ISKCON Relief for Ukraine,…

The Shareyour.care website contains links for donations to assist the Ukrainian devotees. It links to the GBC SPT ISKCON Online Paypal and credit/debit card gateways which also caters for donations from India. Credit/debit card donations can be made from any card with...

IC Newsletter Vol.7, Issue 19, 8 May 2022

IC Newsletter Vol.7, Issue 19, 8 May 2022

For Krsna you can endeavor multifariously. That is wanted. That is the contribution of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. Before that, Vaisnavas, they used to live retired life in Vrndavana or some other place - no preaching activities Read the article

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