On the auspicious occasion of Narasimha Caturdasi, GBC Strategic Planning Team organized a series of lectures, presentations and prayers to help the devotees around the world to immerse in the remembrance of the Supreme Lord.
You can watch them all here !

Nrishimha Caturdasi Special class: Bhakti Caitanya Swami

Prayers to Lord Nrisimhadeva: Gopal Bhatta Das

প্রহ্লাদ মহারাজের শিক্ষা : Narshimha Chaturdasi class Bengali: Govindananda Das

Lord Nrisimha manifests in New Vrindavan: Soma Das

Prayers of Prahlada Maharaja with Kamalakshi Rupini Devi

Lessons from Nrisimha Lila (Russian class with English translation): Rukmini Priya Devi

A transcendental virtual journey into Lord Nrisimhadeva's pastimes: Chandan Yatra Das

Nrisimha Yagna LIVE with Caru Govinda Das

Musical offering to Lord Nrisimhadeva: Bhakta Srikar Das

Puppet Show: Nrisimha Lila