Please pray for HG Yasomatinandana Prabhu, who is in ICU in Ahmedabad with Covid (from

Deena Bandhu Das: Please join us in prayer for my very dear Godbrother, Jasomatinandana Prabhu, who is in ICU in Ahmedabad with Covid. After meeting Srila Prabhupada in USA, he developed all the wonderful preaching that is going on in his home state of Gujarat.

Fifty-bed secondary-care hospital to be built at ISKCON Mayapur (from ISKCON News)

A three-storey, fifty-bed secondary care hospital is set to be built on Bhaktisiddhanta Road opposite the ISKCON Mayapur campus in West Bengal, expanding the already existing Sri Mayapur Community Hospital. The hospital will be staffed by qualified devotee doctors and nurses, and will serve ISKCON devotees, Vaishnavas from the nearby Gaudiya Maths, local villagers and pilgrims. The convenient service will save patients a journey to a hospital in Kolkata and will provide them with high quality treatment in a more personalized way and at a much more affordable cost. Read this article