Hare Krsna Dear Devotees All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and His Dedicated Followers. Let’s start gearing up for the most auspicious World Holy Name Festival 2020. Make your first step to contribute to our global offering to Srila Prabhupada. It’s simple. Just send your chant of the maha-mantra for Love & Peace by clicking the link below and following a few easy steps. It should take just a minute or two! https://bit.ly/WHATSAPP_forLOVEandPEACE Once you offer your own chant, it’s time to make others fortunate! Just reach out to at least 1 person amongst your family, friends and associates who has never chanted and ask them to offer their maha mantra chant for Love & Peace as well. In this way when the World Holy Name Festival begins on 17 September we’ll be well on our way to adding another 10,000 chants to the 20,000 people that have already taken part in the Fortunate People Campaign. “We are requesting everyone to please chant, chant, chant. Our mission is to make unfortunate people fortunate”. - Srila Prabhupada For a full list of the World Holy Name Festival program please visit: https://www.kirtanministry.com/2020/08/23/world-holy-name-festival-2020/ Here are some words from HH Lokanath Swami: https://youtu.be/oj_RWQKmW_Y
World Holy Name Festival 2020