Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

The newly formed ISKCON Harinam Sankirtan Ministry, also known as the Kirtan Ministry is holding the World Holy Name Festival, coming up from September 17 – 23. This year, we aspire to expand the festival beyond the borders of ISKCON into the greater society.  With the support of devotees worldwide the festival can reach out and bring the holy names to new people.

Because of the global pandemic, traditional ways to share Harinam, on the
streets and in kirtan events, are severely restricted. Thus, we plan to
offer many ways to participate online and in smaller safer settings.

This amazing festival in nearly upon us and we have en exciting and  very
special program lined up for World Holy Name Festival 2020. There are Holy
Name retreats, Bhagavatam classes on the holy names, Online Kirtana mela,
Japathon, and much more.

This main outreach program is in conjunction with the Fortunate People
campaign. Fortunate People is a global effort to collect audio and video
recordings of people chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. It’s especially
meant to make it fun, easy and inspiring to get people to chant the
maha-mantra for the first time as part of it’s worldwide Love and Peace
campaign. Temples in India have already pledged 100 000 videos.

The World Holy Name Festival will especially focus on the theme of “Let’s
Make the World Fortunate.”

I am attaching the WHNF promotion package to this communication for your
easy reference:

1. WHNF Banner – attached
2. WHNF Events Poster  – attached
3. WHNF Daily Events – attached
4. Suggested activities for temples and congregation – attached
5. Inspirational video by Kirtan Ministry –
6. Video and link to upload video –
7. Link to Srila Prabhupada video on Chanting’ –

We would like all of you leaders to inspire temple devotees in your area,
congregation, followers and disciples to actively participate in World Holy
Name Festival 2020 to make the world fortunate.

Thank you.

Your servant,
Lokanath Swami